How to Measure Your Penis
Learn how to measure your penis now with our informative guide. It’s important to take specific steps to get the correct measurements – understand how here.
Penis size is a touchy subject, and it’s not unusual to wonder how you measure up in comparison to others. When it comes to virility, a healthy penis capable of a sizable erection is about as perfect an indicator as there is. As men, our penis measurements often correlate directly to our confidence in our sexual abilities.
Penis size isn’t everything, and it doesn’t hurt to be content with what you’ve got. If you’re curious about your size though, it’s worth the time to measure correctly.
Getting an accurate measurement isn’t as easy as you might expect. Wrestling with a semi-hard penis in one hand and a tape measure in the other is a recipe for inaccuracy and frustration. If you’re wondering how to measure your penis properly, read on to find out more!
How to Measure Your Penis
Measuring your penis is one of those things that are often more challenging than you might expect. The penis doesn’t want to stay still or even the same size for very long. If you want an exact measurement, the very act of getting a ruler or tape measure ready can be enough for your penis to wilt.
While wrestling with your penis, it’s important to see the funny side. Finding out the dimensions of your junk can put a lot of worries to rest, but only if you do so correctly. With anything else, you wouldn’t think twice about asking a friend to lend a hand, but this is one scenario you’ll probably prefer to tackle alone.
It’s easy to measure incorrectly, measuring your penis to be smaller or larger than it is in reality. Second-guessing and wishful thinking are common and understandable hurdles, but it’s best to do things properly here to know for sure. When you know your size, whatever it is, you’re at least standing on solid ground for measuring improvement going forward.
Accurate Penis Measurement
It doesn’t matter which type of measuring instrument you prefer, so long as you use it carefully. A ruler is a safe bet; they’re solid and less complicated than a tape measure. A ruler is also a lot easier to use with one hand, as I’m sure you can imagine.
Firstly, get a measurement of your flaccid length. Typically men aren’t so bothered about their size when flaccid, but it’s useful information to know anyway. This is also good practice to start, as you don’t need to concern yourself with being fully erect.
Hold your penis horizontally without pulling it, and place the end of your preferred measuring instrument flush with the base. Pushing the end into your flesh gently so that you’re ‘bone pressed’ allows for a constant position to measure from. This is important for the sake of accuracy so that future measurements all begin from the same spot.
Measure Penis Length
Once you’ve got the gist of ‘bone pressing’ and have written down the length of your flaccid penis, you can try measuring yourself while fully erect. For best results, this can be done after a hot bath or shower to get things as warmed up as possible. This also serves to mimic a penis in a fully aroused state, as it would be with any prospective partner.
Once fully erect, it’s time to measure. Take the same steps as you did previously with your flaccid penis, carefully measuring ‘bone pressed’ from the base along the shaft to the end of the tip. This is your fully erect length, which you should take note of.
While measuring, your attention will shift away from your penis, so it’s only natural your erection will begin to subside. To ensure an accurate measurement of a fully erect penis, practice kegel contractions to remain fully erect while you measure.
Don’t cheat here; it’s a trivial thing to push unnecessarily hard for a grander measurement. Be honest with yourself, and cement that number in your mind as reality. For better or worse, you now know the length of your penis and can consider your options carefully.
Measure Penis Girth
There are two types of tape measures, a bendy, pliable type commonly used in sewing and the type you’re probably more familiar with for construction. It’s not advised to try to wrap a metal construction tape around your Johnson for obvious reasons. If you haven’t got access to the former, a ruler and a length of string will suffice just as well.
Locate the thickest part of your penis while fully erect and wrap the string around until it meets. Hold the string where the end meets in a loop around your penis, and cut it. The length of the string is now exactly the girth of your penis; it’s a simple matter of measuring the string to find your results.
During this fiddly process, it’s normal for your erection to fade slightly. In this case, the use of visual aids can help if you’re finding it difficult to stay fully aroused.
If you’re fortunate enough to have a tape measure, simply wrap it around and take note of the number the end of the tape measure indicates. Now you have your measurements; there are probably some other questions on your mind.
How Do You Measure Up?
After following that simple penis measuring tutorial, you’ve got your numbers. If you’re feeling like they could be a little better, you’re not alone. Fortunately for you, these numbers aren’t set in stone; it’s possible to improve on them!
After measuring yourself, you might be wondering how your penis stacks up against the average. In America, the average flaccid length is around 3.6 inches. Averages for erect length range somewhere between 5.1 and 5.5 inches in length, and 4.6 for girth.
No matter how you’re feeling about your penis, it might be worth looking into natural ways to improve the size and strength of your erections. When done safely, penis enlargement programs can be an effective way to help bolster your confidence in the bedroom. You might be surprised at the potential gains you’re missing out on.
Confidence Inspiring
If you’re curious about the possibility of adding some size to your penis, Phalogenics could be for you. The confidence gained from adding an inch or two to your member isn’t something to sneeze at. Even if you’re completely comfortable and happy with your size, the strength and duration of your erection can be improved upon quite easily.
You’ve probably heard the popular term describing people with effortless confidence as having ‘big dick energy,’ and there’s a good reason for that. There’s a confidence that comes along with being happy with your body and its capabilities. The reverse is easily understood, a man without any confidence in his penis is going to struggle walking with his shoulders back, and head held high.
Sexuality is rooted deeply within the core of our being. Our biological imperative is to reproduce, passing along our genetic code to future generations. Reproductive health is an important part of our lives, without which our mental health begins to suffer.
The Importance of Accurately Measuring Your Penis
If you decide to try something new and experiment with penis enlargement, it’s important to take the time to accurately measure your starting stats. Without a solid understanding of where you’re beginning, there’s no way to be sure that the methodology you’re following is working for you. Not every route to a larger penis works for everyone, as each person’s body is different.
What works well for one person might not work very well for another. Penis enlargement doesn’t happen overnight and the people who see the best results are often the most dedicated. Penis enlargement is a marathon, not a sprint, and ignoring safety precautions can end in damaged tissue.
The number one rule above all else is to avoid injury. If you injure your penis during penis lengthening exercises, you’ll lose time while you recover and possibly some of your hard-earned gains. Penis enlargement must be done safely, so take your time and reap the rewards of incremental gains.
Measured Success
Confidence in measuring your penis correctly is the first step on the road to penis enlargement. Knowing where you stand will serve you well if you decide to adhere to a specific program. Recording your progress over time will help keep you enthusiastic as you see your numbers increase.
If this article has helped your confidence with how to measure your penis, check out the rest of our articles. We’ve got lots more information regarding penis enlargement you might find interesting!