Your friend cancels plans, promising a crazy story the next time you meet up at the bar. When you get together, he hobbles in, sits down, and weaves you an incredible tale of lust, amorous sex, and a late-night ER visit.
And who wouldn’t share this tale with their friends? The truth, that the injury was a result of a risky masturbation session, is simply too embarrassing to recount.
Rough Sex? Yeah, Probably Not
We’ve all had a crazy night between the sheets with a paramour whose moves are a bit terrifying. The wrong angle and a night of kinky fun can quickly become a painful limp dick session.
But few men have been unlucky enough to sustain the dreaded broken penis injury. The truth is the penis is a pretty durable appendage.
From time-to-time, however, men make some pretty questionable choices in the name of fun. And while some of these do involve a partner (or two, or three…), there are others where the risks are taken in the name of spicing up a night of self-pleasure.
You’ll hear stories where men have been rushed to the hospital for all sorts of faux pas. Sex toys or household items can get stuck inside of the rectum, contraptions can get caught around the penis and restrict blood flow, or a wrong move can result in a broken penis.
According to a recent study published in the Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 60% of penile fractures happen during masturbation. In comparison, only 19% happen during sex. That means that a man is three times more likely to f*** himself up than to have a sex partner do so.
What Is a Broken Penis?
You probably already know that the penis doesn’t have a bone in it. If it did, it wouldn’t go from tiny to huge with a few strokes or stray thoughts—it would just stay hard continuously.
In your penis, there are three tubes that can be ruptured, leading to intense pain, bruising, and a pretty instantaneous loss of erection.
According to the study mentioned earlier, the top cause of penis fractures is “angulation and manual compression.” Meaning, a tight squeeze and movement at the wrong angle.
If you feel like this has happened to do, head directly to an Urgent Care or ER. To keep your penis working, you might need surgery.
Spice Up Your Sex Life Instead
Self-pleasure is a great thing. If it weren’t for masturbation, most men would find it hard to get through the day. But if men had a bit more fun with their partners, maybe the risk of self-induced penile injuries would decrease.
But few men are choosing to have a boring sex life. Most of us would love to get enough variety and excitement with partners that we wouldn’t feel the need to escalate our masturbation sessions.
This begs the question, how do you get more sex? Whether you’re in a relationship or playing the field, there’s one thing that surely can’t hurt—a larger dick.
Women love a big penis. Studies have found that the larger the penis, the more attractive a woman will find a potential mate.
But not every man was gifted with a jaw-dropping penis.
Here at Phalogenics, we believe that every man—and every woman—deserves to be blessed with a sizeable dick. This is why we developed the only scientifically proven strategy to take your penis from barely memorable to rumor-worthy. Why not give Phalogenics a try? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.