Imagine a world in which you’d never orgasmed during sex. This is the case for millions of women. In fact, 1 out of every 5 women has never reached climax during intercourse.
Even for those who have climaxed during sex, only 25% of women orgasm during vaginal intercourse without clit stimulation.
Yet, most men find a sexual encounter disappointing if they don’t climax. Meaning, men expect a near 100% orgasm rate, while the average woman is accustomed to a lack of climax.
As a man, if you want to be good in bed, you need to understand why so few women orgasm during sex…and what you can do to get you sexual partners there.
Why Don’t Women Orgasm During Sex?
Are you a connoisseur of the clitoris? If not, there’s a problem.
The clit is the most sensitive part of a woman’s body. Not the g-spot, but the clitoris. Unfortunately, few men give the clit the attention it deserves.
No matter your penis size, you ought to be spending time stimulating the clit. This could be as foreplay, during intercourse, or to help her finish once you’ve reached completion…
And if you really want to please your lover, we recommend 2 or 3 of the above.
While vaginal penetration feels good—sometimes amazing—most women find it hard to climax from vaginal penetration alone. For some women, it doesn’t matter what penis is down there, it’s simply not going to be enough.
Does Your Lover Orgasm?
Ask most men and they’ll tell you that their girlfriend or wife regularly climaxes. But scientific surveys tell us that this simply isn’t true for most guys.
The first thing you should do is ask your lover if they get there. It’s up to you whether you do this during regular conversation, the next time you have sex prior to your completion, or after you finish. But if you don’t ask, you’re not giving her the opportunity to tell you that she isn’t orgasming
From there, try going down on her before sex and using a clit vibrator during sex. You might even try a vibrating cock ring so you can get on on the extra stimulation, too.
Another thing you can do? Work on becoming the best sex partner you can be. This includes the communication and effort that we’ve already discussed, but it also takes working to become the biggest you can be.
Studies suggest that women prefer larger penises. Fortunately, contrary to popular opinion, you’re not stuck with what you’re born with. By doing the right exercises and stretches, you can boost the size of your penis—just as you can any other muscle in your body.
Click here to learn more about Phalogenics. It’s the only male enhancement program designed using scientifically-proven strategies where you won’t need embarrassing gadgets or dangerous surgeries. Your lovers will be happy you did.