Let’s face it—no part of the body ages gracefully. And your penis isn’t any different. What was once a rock hard organ ready to go at a moment’s notice can become a fleshy appendage in retirement.
But don’t give up hope. You won’t have a teenager’s dick when you’re 50, but with the right TLC, you can keep him in the game.
If you’re determined to keep the bedroom rockin’, science can help. Endless research has been pumped into your wang’s health and longevity, so why not benefit? Here are the things you should do if you want a healthy sex life for the long run.
Don’t Stop Masturbating
Every time you masturbate, you’re exercising your penis. The muscles stay strong. Your member’s bathed in oxygen and nutrients delivered from the blood. And you keep your mind active and interested in sex.
Pencil in a daily masturbation session to keep your penis in prime condition.
Drop the Cigarette
Okay, we realize that this is a big ask. Smoking can be that quick hit of relief in a moment of frustration. But there’s just no way around the fact that smoking is one of the biggest threats to your ability to get hard.
You have to ask yourself, which do you like more? Smoking or sex?
When you smoke, you damage the blood vessels that pump blood into your dick. Over time, smoking will make your erections thinner, shorter, and less reliable. Say goodbye to smoking for thick, hard erections.
Get Your Beauty Rest
Poor sleep decreases your testosterone levels. It makes it more likely that you’ll gain weight and suffer from heart disease or diabetes. Low testosterone levels and chronic illnesses can both cause erectile dysfunction. Meaning, if you don’t get enough sleep, you’re going to have trouble getting hard. Try to get at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
Staying fit isn’t just for the young guys on the prowl. A sedentary lifestyle is incredibly dangerous for your erection potential. Even if you’ve already landed your lady, doing some cardio and weights will help you get more sex. Both by being able to get hard…and by being more attractive.
Eat More Veggies
Most men love meat. But vegetables are what you need to be a man where it really counts. Low veggie consumption is tied to erectile dysfunction. Some of the best plant foods to keep you hard are spinach, avocado, and spicy foods like jalapenos.
Take a Pill
We live in a golden age. Go to your doctor, tell them about your limp dick troubles, and you’ll get a pill to make you hard. If all other options fail, the little blue pill is there for you in your times of need.
Want to Keep Bangin’ As You Age?
There are going to be times when you don’t get sex even when you’re 100% capable. For this, we offer one tool: Phalogenics. Phalogenics is a plan guaranteed to help you safely add inches to your erection. Whether you’re playing the field or married, a bigger dick has never hurt your chances.