How to Get a Thicker Cock
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Did you know that the average penis length is only around 5.1 inches long? As for the average girth, it is only around 4.6 inches around. If you are below average in terms of penis size, you might not feel all that great about yourself.
More than that, you might be concerned that your size won’t be enough to please your partner. You might have heard that it is impossible to improve penis size, but is that really true? As it turns out, how to get a thicker cock is not as impossible as you might have believed.
In reality, there are a few different ways in which you can change the size of your penis. But where should you start? Keep reading and learn more about the secrets of penis enlargement below.
What You Need to Know About Penis Sizes
Before we jump into the details of how to get a thicker and larger penis, it is first important to understand some of the science behind penis sizes. Why do some guys have micropenises of only a few inches while other guys have penises that are 7 or even 8 inches long? As it turns out, there are a variety of factors that determine a man’s penis size.
For one, genetics plays a big role. Men have two main sex chromosomes: an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. Women, on the other hand, have two X chromosomes.
The presence of the Y chromosome will turn a fetus into a male rather than a female and it causes the development of the penis and testicles. You might expect that the Y chromosome is also responsible for the development of the length and girth of the penis, but this is actually not true.
On the contrary, the female X chromosome from your mother is what determines the size of your penis. It is not understood why this is the case, but it can certainly explain a lot. If men on your mother’s side tend to have larger penises, then you will also be likely to have a larger penis.
The Details
The opposite is also true if they happen to be on the smaller side. So, does this mean that you’re doomed to have a small penis if all the men on your mom’s side are small? Not necessarily.
Besides genetics, a few other factors come into play. For example, lifestyle, nutrition, and hormones all play a big part as well. Getting plenty of nutrition early on in life, especially in the womb, can contribute to a larger penis.
On the other hand, malnutrition can contribute to a smaller penis. Hormones, especially male hormones like testosterone, are particularly important for penis growth during puberty. During puberty, a boy should experience a surge of testosterone that will help develop his body.
However, some boys experience hormonal imbalances. This can lead to an underdeveloped penis and testicles that have never descended. Another issue that may contribute to a small penis is obesity.
While obesity does not technically shrink your penis, it can certainly look like it since the fat in the lower abdomen will grow around the root of the penis and make it look shorter. But how can you fix the problem of a small penis?
How to Get a Thicker Cock Naturally
You likely have been bombarded with ads for supplements or creams that claim to guarantee a larger penis after using them. Unfortunately, pretty much all of these supplements are fake and won’t do anything to increase the size of your penis. However, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t any way to get a larger penis.
The most effective way to go about doing this is to try penis girth enhancement exercises. When it comes to penis size, you might be wondering why you should focus on girth rather than length. Isn’t the length what most men seek?
As it turns out, studies have shown that women prefer thicker penises rather than longer penises. This is because they find thicker penises to be more stimulating in contrast to penises that are very long which might actually be uncomfortable for women. To get a thicker penis, all you have to do is focus on a few exercises.
These exercises work in more or less the same way as any other exercise whether it be for your arms, your legs, or any other part of your body. When you exercise, you are breaking down muscle cells. Then, your body repairs those cells so that they’re larger and stronger than before.
This is the same science behind exercising your penis. One of the primary exercises you can do is known as jelqing. This is a simple exercise and it mainly involves stretching your penis with your hands.
What You Need to Know
You will have to be careful when doing this exercise because if you don’t do it correctly, you could damage your penis which, of course, could be quite painful. To start jelqing, be sure that your hands and penis are coated with some kind of lotion or oil so that friction isn’t an issue and won’t damage your penis.
It is best to only do this kind of exercise while you’re soft or only semi-hard. Start by grabbing the head of your penis between your thumb and pointer finger, forming a circle around your penis with these two digits. Then, gently and slowly pull the head of the penis upwards.
Be sure not to pull too hard or too suddenly as this could cause severe tears in the penis. Once you get into this stretch, hold it for about 10 seconds or so and then relax. Then, do the exact same stretch but this time pull your penis to the left for 10 seconds and then to the right for 10 seconds.
Continue this cycle for a total of 5 to 10 minutes. You should only do this once or twice a day. Doing it more often than that may irritate or damage your penis. For a bit more of a stretch, you could follow these exact steps but also press on the base of your penis simultaneously.
If this is painful for you, stop right away. This version of the stretch is best for those who have already been doing these penis exercises for a while.
What Else Should You Know About Growing Your Penis?
If you want to try a different exercise for your penis, you can try a different version of jelqing. This version involves forming an “okay” symbol with your pointer finger and thumb, forming a circle with these two digits. Then, wrapping these fingers around the base of your penis, firmly and slowly pull your fingers upward along the shaft until you reach the head.
The pressure of your fingers against your penis should be firm enough to give the sensation of a stretch. If you don’t feel any stretch, then you’re not gripping hard enough. If you feel any pain, then you’re doing it too hard.
In some cases, you can use a device to stretch or otherwise enlarge your penis such as a penis pump. However, you will have to be careful when using these devices as they can end up bruising your penis or causing certain blood vessels inside to burst. This not only is painful but it can sometimes even cause permanent damage.
What to Know
Using your hands is your best and easiest bet for achieving a larger and thicker penis. But when will you see your results? It depends on how often you do these exercises and how long you do them.
Besides that, it will also depend on the size of your penis. If you have a 5-inch penis, these exercises aren’t going to turn it into a 9-inch monster. It is important to have realistic expectations when doing these exercises.
Some men have found that these exercises were able to make their penises grow an extra inch and sometimes almost two inches. And, naturally, the girth of the penis should increase as well. Just be sure to be safe at all times and stop right away if you feel any pain.
All About Getting a Bigger Penis
Learning how to get a thicker cock is not as difficult as you might expect. It all has to do with exercising the penis by stretching it a couple of times a day. Doing this will create micro-tears in the penis that will allow it to grow slightly larger.
To learn more about how these exercises work, contact us here.