5% to 8% of people worldwide are addicted to porn. You don’t have to be addicted to porn to experience negative effects either. The general effect of porn on your erections can be very damaging.
Watching porn is a common hobby that most men do. But how does the effect of porn change your erections and your sex life? Keep reading and learn more about how it works below.
What Are the Consequences of Watching Porn?
Most men watch porn to masturbate. Masturbating is a healthy and natural thing and it is not linked to any erection problems. But masturbating only while watching porn is when problems can arise.
While watching porn once in a while might not do any harm, watching it too often may create serious problems. Erectile dysfunction is correlated with porn viewership. This may seem counterintuitive.
Doesn’t porn help a man get erect? Yes and no. Many men easily get aroused while watching porn.
But if they are too accustomed to watching porn to get aroused, they may have a difficult time getting aroused while having sex. This is because sex is very different from watching porn and masturbating.
This is because porn is purely visual. Porn is technically a form of voyeurism. Voyeurism is when a person derives sexual pleasure from watching other people have sex.
This trend has increased in popularity in recent years. You will be hard-pressed to find a man that does not watch porn at least occasionally. A porn addiction is similar to a drug addiction.
A porn addiction may start by watching ordinary porn.
The Details
Ordinary porn may no longer satisfy the addict’s sexual desires. The addict may instead need to watch more hardcore porn to get an erection and achieve an orgasm.
This makes it far more difficult to get sexually aroused from a normal sexual encounter. This is because the person will be used to the visual stimulation of hardcore porn. While there is some visual stimulation in a real sexual encounter, it isn’t the same as watching porn.
This is because porn is designed to catch people at their best angles. Porn is also not realistic. This gives people an unrealistic view of what sex is supposed to be.
Porn also desensitizes the mind to sexual stimulation. After looking at naked bodies for hundreds of hours, a man’s mind may no longer find the body sexually attractive. Regular porn and regular sex may also be “boring” to the porn-addicted mind.
Those who rarely watch porn can easily get sexually excited by looking at a picture of a woman in lingerie. But those who have been exposed to porn too much won’t have the same reaction. They may instead need more hardcore stimulation.
This is a gradual process and many men don’t realize how it happens. But at a certain point, you may notice that you have a hard time getting aroused when you’re not watching porn. You may be ready to have sex with a partner you find attractive, but it may still be difficult to get aroused.
The Effect of Porn on Erections
Studies have shown that porn viewership is strongly connected with erectile dysfunction (ED). The more hours a person watches porn, the worse the ED problem usually is. The interesting thing about this type of ED is that it has nothing to do with blood flow.
This is unusual because the majority of ED cases are due to poor blood flow. Porn-related ED is instead a mental phenomenon. A man may be unable to get an erection without watching extreme porn.
A man may have a hard time having sex with a real person without putting a porn movie on in the background. A man may also feel that he is unable to get the same kind of pleasure from sex as when watching porn.
Men may also unintentionally “death grip” their penises while watching porn. This is intense stimulation that can damage the blood vessels in the penis. This may also make it more difficult to get an erection.
What You Need to Know
Some men may get an erection firm enough for sex, but they may not achieve an orgasm. They may have to close their eyes and concentrate on pornographic images instead of their sexual partner. The man might still take an unusually long time to finish.
The most effective way to solve this problem is to stop watching porn. This is a hard thing to do for men who have relied on porn for many years. But stopping it for a few weeks will help the mind recover.
The brain will become more sensitive to sexual stimulation again. This makes it easier to get an erection from a normal sexual encounter. It is best to keep porn viewership to a minimum.
If you find yourself watching hours of porn, especially extreme porn, this is a problem. Penis exercises can also help. These exercises help bring more blood into the penis.
This may also help with your erectile dysfunction problems. These exercises can also “train” you to relearn the pleasures of real sex instead of porn viewership.
The Connection Between Porn and Erections
The effect of porn on erections can be severe. Some men are unable to get erections without watching porn. This can ruin your sexual relationships and your self-esteem.
Quitting porn is the most straightforward solution. This allows your mind to rest and reset. After a few weeks of not watching porn, it should be easier for you to get sexually stimulated.
Penis exercises may help as well. They do this by enhancing penile function. To learn more about how it works, check out our services.