Studies have shown that most men hit their sexual peaks somewhere in their 20s. This might lead you to believe that sex for men after 40 must not be as good as it used to be.
But this isn’t always the case! While you might not have a sex life that is as active as it once was when you’re in your 40s, you may be able to enjoy a better sex life overall. Many men report having great sex well into their 30s, 40s, 50s, and even their 60s and 70s.
You might need to make a concerted effort to improve your sex life in your 40s, though. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to start having better sex and maybe even the best sex of your life after you turn 40.
Here’s a guide on how to improve your sex life if you’re a man who is over 40 now.
Talk to Your Partner About What You Do (and Don’t!) Like
When you were in your 20s and maybe even your 30s, you may not have felt comfortable enough to talk to your partner about the things you do and don’t like in the bedroom. As a result, they might be failing to do things you would enjoy and doing things that aren’t really up your alley.
If you don’t ever bring these things up to your partner and talk about them, it’s going to be almost impossible for you to start enjoying better sex. It’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to have open and honest conversations about sex with your partner.
At the same time, you should also remain open-minded and ask them to tell you what they do and don’t like. It’ll put you in a position to provide them with a much better experience when you’re having sex from now on.
Speak With Your Doctor About Sexual Health Issues
More than 50% of men will experience erectile dysfunction to some degree at some point in their lives. Those who are over 40 are especially susceptible to dealing with ED and its many symptoms.
If you’re struggling to get and/or keep erections in the bedroom, you’re going to have a tough time improving your sex life in your 40s. You shouldn’t be afraid to bring this topic up to your doctor so that you can get the help you need.
You also shouldn’t be afraid to give this all-natural penile enhancement program a try. It could work wonders for your sex life by making you feel way more confident in the bedroom.
Pay Closer Attention to Your Sexual Desire
When you were in your 20s, you probably didn’t have any problem mustering up sexual desire. In fact, you were likely in the mood to have sex almost every single day.
But as you get older, you’re going to find that your sexual desire will start to dissipate. There will be days when both you and your partner just aren’t in the mood to do anything even remotely sexual.
There will also be days when you and your partner won’t be able to keep your hands off each other, and you should take full advantage of this. When you’re both in the mood, you should press pause on whatever else might be going on in your lives and seize the moment.
Take Your Time in the Bedroom
Did you know that many men are able to last longer in the bedroom as they get older? Once you reach your 40s, you should be able to delay climaxing for a longer time so that both you and your partner are able to get more satisfaction out of your lovemaking sessions.
With this in mind, you should slow yourselves down and really take your time when you’re having sex. Everything from your foreplay to your actual sex should feel intentional. If you’re rushing through any part of the process, you’re doing it wrong.
See If Your Partner Would Be Open to Trying New Positions
Many couples make the mistake of falling into the trap of taking part in the same sexual positions all the time. It can make things stale in the bedroom and leave you and your partner yearning for more.
If you and your partner aren’t exploring new positions all the time, you should try to change that ASAP. There are so many fun positions that you can put to the test to see how you like them.
Who knows? You might both land on a couple of positions that you wish you had tried sooner. But even if you don’t, you’ll enjoy experimenting by having sex in brand-new ways.
Find Other Creative Ways to Spice Things Up
Trying out new positions in the bedroom is one great way to spice things up. But why stop there? You can also find other things that will make things hotter in the bedroom for you and your partner.
You and your partner might want to share your sexual fantasies with one another and then live them out. You might also want to try something like role-playing when you’re behind closed doors or take your show on the road and have sex somewhere other than in your bedroom.
These days, there are even all kinds of new sex toys that can help you take your sex life to the next level. You should look at your 40s as a time to experiment as much as you can. The things that would have made you and your partner blush 20 years ago might not make you bat an eye anymore.
Work on Keeping Your Stress Levels Low
Recent surveys have suggested that more than 80% of American adults report feeling stressed out on a weekly basis. People get stressed about everything from work to money to current events.
If you’re someone who is stressed out almost every day, it’s going to take a huge toll on your sex life before long. You might not be able to put forth your best performances in the bedroom when your mind is on a million and one other things.
You should strive to bring your stress levels back down to earth. There are a handful of ways in which you can do this. You can try:
- Creating a better work-life balance
- Getting enough sleep at night
- Working out at least a few times each week
- Finding hobbies that make you happy
- Budgeting your money more effectively
- Turning off the news every so often and staying off social media
It’s not going to be possible to eliminate all the stress from your life. But if you can get rid of even just a little of it, you should start to have better sex when it’s time to do the deed. You’ll have an easier time focusing on your partner as opposed to worrying about a bunch of other stuff.
Embrace Your Sexual Experience
Do you know why you had such a strong sexual desire back in your 20s? Part of it was simple science. Your body was producing more testosterone back then, and because of this, it craved sex more than it does now.
But you were also still relatively inexperienced when it came to having sex. You were exploring different sexual positions and trying new things in the bedroom all the time.
You’re more experienced now and have seen and done a lot of things in the bedroom. But this doesn’t have to be a bad thing! You can rely on all your experience when you’re trying to improve your sex life.
Your experience will give you the opportunity to build on everything you’ve learned in the past. You can perform certain sexual acts better than you did in the past and work with your partner to make things perfect when you get together in between the sheets.
Basically, you can take everything you know about having sex in your 20s and 30s and apply it to what you’re doing in your 40s. That alone should leave you having better sex every time you and your partner get busy.
You Can Enjoy Better Sex Than Ever Before in Your 40s
Are you worried about what your sex life is going to be like in your 40s? Don’t be! Just because you aren’t a spring chicken anymore doesn’t mean you can’t have better sex than ever before.
If you need help in this department, Phalogenics can set you up with the assistance you need. We can provide you with everything from penis exercises to penis girth enhancement ideas that will help you please your partner in new ways.
Contact us today to get more information on our products.
Target Keywords: better sex