Do you want a bigger penis but don’t want the hassle of doctor’s office? Here are 8 things you can do in the privacy of your home to get the size you want.
Most men love the thrill of chasing a new partner.
There is a sense of adventure that comes with establishing this fresh connection. Between the emotional stimulation and physical fun, going through the motions with someone for the first time is a rush.
But, it can be more like a rush of anxiety for guys with a small penis.
Let’s be honest, size matters. If you don’t add up, the pressure is on.
First off, try talking about it. Partner communication will get you a long way.
If you want to go all the way without being worried about your performance, though, it might be time to consider some enhancement options.
Here’s how to bring up your small penis – in conversation and in size.
1. Choose Your Timing
The most important thing to consider when talking about such a personal detail is the timing.
This isn’t exactly a first date conversation. Although, you may want to dive into this level of partner communication before jumping into bed together.
Let’s take a look at the different scenarios.
Before Things Get Serious
What if you are ballsy enough to talk about your small penis on the first date?
Well, you probably won’t get a second.
This has nothing to do with size, by the way. It’s just too soon!
Women don’t want to have a reason to think the only thing on your mind is sex. They already assume this anyways, and proving them right is offputting.
After Getting a Little Heated
Maybe you think it’s time to talk about size when you’re pushing second base.
You know, your hand is caressing her body, and you’re both thinking about the same thing… but the thing is, you probably aren’t going there right now. Not many women will go from a steamy make-out session all the way to sex.
Slow down, and put partner communication off for the next time you’re alone together.
This lets you relax, enjoy the moment, and earn some points. Give her a preview of what you can do with everything else before you talk about what might not meet the mark.
In the Moment
Sometimes, a steamy moment does turn into an opportunity for sex.
Now what are you supposed to do – talk about your small penis while you’re taking off your pants?
No way, act cool.
Keep going and save the partner communication for if she brings it up. Otherwise, let the rest of your body makeup for where you are lacking.
2. Use Positive Wording
Let’s say your size does get brought up.
Some women will ask at one point. Others will be okay with you initiating this partner communication somewhere between the make-out sessions and the first time.
Try to use positive wording as much as possible.
Instead of being like, “by the way, I have a small penis.”
Try something like, “you should know, I’m packing a little less than most guys, but I can still give you a great time.” Or maybe, “hey, I’m not as big as you might expect, but let me show you how I can make up for it.”
Such wording shifts the conversation from what you’re lacking to what you’re offering.
It will make your partner curious to see what kind of skills you have in the bedroom. A little bit of mystery is always sexy.
3. Makeup for Size with Foreplay
When the time comes to show her your tricks, don’t hold back.
Kiss her neck and nibble on her ear. Find her G-spot with your fingers and then let your tongue work some magic, too.
When in doubt, ask exactly what she likes and wants you to do. If she isn’t shaking her legs a bit or moaning, you’re not doing good enough.
This will take more than some partner communication about your penis size to fix. You’ll need a lot of practice to improve.
4. Get Over It
Luckily, foreplay skills can get better with experience.
If you feel like you didn’t perform up to par, be open about the situation. Ask how you can make the experience better for her. But, your chance might have come and gone, and that’s fine too.
It’s something you’ll have to realize and move on from.
Has this happened more times than you’d like to admit? It might be time to try a different approach.
Instead of focusing on partner communication and bedroom tactics, find out how you can enhance your erection. There are ways to add a few inches to your penis size, which can make a world of a difference.
Avoid Awkward Partner Communication with Personal Enhancement
Make the weird timing and compensating for your small penis a thing of the past!
Phalogenics is here to help you enhance your size and completely change your sex life.
This product is a video-based, all-natural alternative to creams and pumps. It’s a system of daily techniques to try on your own. The more consistent you are with the program, the better the results tend to be.
Beyond measurement of length, you should feel a stronger boner and a bit more time until you finish, too. What could be better than that?
This is everything your little guy has been waiting for.
It boosts your performance and your confidence, which will up your game even more. Go from feeling shy and unsure to feeling more than just adequate.
This kind of sexiness will make your woman’s desire for you that much stronger. It’s all connected, and it all starts with you.
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